Meet the Cadre: Frank Horvath
“Meet the Cadre” is a simple interview format glimpse into each of the outstanding folks that make Apache Solutions what it is today. We wanted to give all of our students, social media followers, and website visitors an individualized introduction to each of our Coaches, Instructors, and Administrators. This week, we introduce Mr. Frank Horvath:

Frank Horvath
What is your age group: 18-25, 25-35, 35-50, “Experienced”?
What is your current role within Apache Solutions?
Staff Administrator / Instructor
Do you consider this a Full-time job, Part-time job, or hobby?
Full-Time Job – Even though I am not required/able to be physically at Apache during the week; I spent much of my free time reading, learning, mentoring, and coaching other instructors/instructor candidates. My role at Apache is very fluid, and often, behind the scenes. If Apache needs something done, we will work as a team under the direction of Tim to accomplish our common goals. Our mission statement is “To create a stronger and more competent armed society.” This helps guide our every decision at Apache.
Why have you taken on this role?
In 2017, I was “Volun-told” that I needed to stop hanging around the range and needed to share my abilities and knowledge as an instructor with other Apache students. Like a bad rash, I keep coming back.
Why choose Apache Solutions?
We are a tribe of individuals who deeply care about the growth of our community. The variety of knowledge and skills the members of our tribe bring to our community is invaluable. Everyone brings something different in their own way to Apache. If you want to join a group of people who will take personal stock in your well-being, your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones; look no further than Apache.
What course have you participated in (as a student) that is your favorite/most memorable?
The OG Apache “Every Day Carry”. The very first one. Leading up to the EDC class, Tim came back ON FIRE after taking a class with Dave Spaulding. The excitement and vigor he brought back to Apache was infectious. Fun fact: I sucked….
What course have you taught (or assisted with) at Apache Solutions is your favorite/most memorable?
Believe it or not, my most memorable has nothing to do with any of our core classes. It was a North Carolina Concealed Carry Course. We both (Tim and I) viewed the NC CCH Class as a necessary evil. At that time, we offered a free 30 minute session as a way for us to vet the students taking the class and to suggest remediation if the student was not ready.
We had this one student come to one of these “Free” sessions. (We will call her Betty for anonymity.) Betty was an older student in her 60s or 70s. Betty’s husband and her had planned to travel the country in an RV and wanted to know how to use a firearm for self-protection, God forbid, they ever had to.
Betty came to the range on a day Tim and I were both working with private sessions. After the usual elevator speech and welcome talk, we quickly gauged that Betty might need some extra work before she was ready for the CCH class. Once we finally moved to the firing line, squared up to her target. Both Tim and I stood on both sides of her with our hands near her upper back. We had a gut feeling that she would have a dramatic fear response, so we loaded her up with a single cartridge in her magazine. She placed her finger in the trigger and slowly pressed. As soon as the shot broke, her arms tried to lunge to the sky, with gun in hand! Both Tim and I reached up controlling both her arms and taking control of the firearm. Over the next several sessions with Betty, the fear response lessened. At first her arms would lunge up. Then they would lunge up a little less, and a little less, until finally, she barely had a wince. Eventually, after many private sessions, she had a very minimal fear response. She aced our CCH class soon after. She was one of the most memorable students I have had to date.
To this day, it was one of the most dramatic fear responses we have ever witnessed.
Name one instructor or course (Not including Apache Solutions) that you think everyone should experience:
I can’t pick just one. These are my recommendations:
-Tom Givens (RangeMaster) Basic Instructor Course. I won’t share the secret sauce, but mindset is a huge part of self-defense that many armed Americans are missing.
-Kent Hower’s (Green Mountain Defense) “Defensive Pistol Metrics” for it’s mindset lecture and demonstrations. If you don’t tear up in the class, you have a heart of ice.
-Mike Kinsey’s (Gunset Ohio) “Tac-Rifle”. Mike’s ability to wrap the history of the American Rifleman, along with the practical use of a modern sporting rifle, is the best I’ve ever seen. Well worth your time and money. You will leave this course with a new found/renewed sense of American Pride.
What are your Non-Firearm related hobbies?
YES…I’ve been accused of being a “Jack of all trades”.
Do you have any Major Accomplishments or Certifications you would like to share?
-RangeMaster Master Certification
-NRA Certified Instructor – Pistol, Rifle, Chief Range Safety Officer, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Shot Shell Reloading
-North Carolina Department of Justice Certified Concealed Carry Instructor
-Glock Advanced Armorer
-GSSF Lifetime Member
-IALEFI Member
-NRA Golden Eagle Member/ “Defender of Freedom” Recipient
-Second Amendment Foundation Member
-National Association for Gun Rights Patron Committee Member
-Firearms Policy Coalition Member
I’ve had the privilege to train with/under many influential instructors. This list is by no means exhaustive, but these individuals have given me nuggets of wisdom that I use regularly:
In no specific order; Scott Cronin, Mike Kinsey, Kent Hower, Phil Groff, Dan Brady, Shawn Fowler, Zach Cox, Rodney White, Tom Givens, Lynn Givens, Massad Ayoob, Craig Douglas, John Farnum, Brian Hill, Greg Sidden, Scott “Jedi” Jedlinksi, Keith Harper, Greg Ellifritz, Dawn Cheek, Landon Nelson, Ashton Ray, Eve Kulscar, Darryl Bolke, Tim Herron, John Holschen, John Murphy, Tiffany Johnson, Aqil Qadar, Lee Weems, Jon Willis, Gabe White, Tatiana Whitlock, Karl Rehn, Sherman House, Tim Chandler, John Daub, Andrew Branca, Marty Hayes, and ….. Tim Kelly.