Meet the Cadre: Derek Wright
“Meet the Cadre” is a simple interview format glimpse into each of the outstanding folks that make Apache Solutions what it is today. We wanted to give all of our students, social media followers, and website visitors an individualized introduction to each of our Coaches, Instructors, and Administrators. This week, we introduce Mr. Derek Wright

Derek Wright *fun fact some people find interesting I have no middle name*
What is your age group: 18-25, 25-35, 35-50, “Experienced”?
What is your current role within Apache Solutions?
I am currently a coach/ up and coming instructor.
Do you consider this a Full-time job, Part-time job, or hobby?
I consider my current role at Apache as both a hobby and part time job, its work but I love it.
Why have you taken on this role?
Ever since I was just a little kid I’ve always had a fascination with firearms and always knew growing up that I wanted a job or role in that realm; it took me a long time to figure out what aspect of that I wanted to go into. I bounced around for years, unable to make up my mind from contemplating law enforcement, military, gunsmithing. Then I met Tim Kelly.
Why choose Apache Solutions?
I chose Apache for a few reasons; 1: Apache Solutions is the only place local to me that offers the level of skill and commitment to training. Following that is number 2: I fell in love with the mission that Tim Kelly and Apache Solutions put forth for our community.
What course have you participated in (as a student) that is your favorite/most memorable?
It’s hard to choose just one course that I have taken at Apache that is most memorable but if I had to choose one I would have to say the EDC course. The particular one I took was taught by 2 amazing Instructors: Zach Cox and Landon Nelson. I took away a lot of incredible information from that course.
What course have you taught (or assisted with) at Apache Solutions is your favorite/most memorable?
Since my time with the awesome Cadre at Apache, I have assisted numerous Concealed Carry classes and had the privilege to coach a Normalizing the Timer workshop taught by our own David Church. It was definitely the most memorable. Several members of the Cadre were present and the comradery was truly inspiring. It was a good day.
Name one instructor or course (Not including Apache Solutions) that you think everyone should experience:
This is another one of those hard choices because there are quite a few Instructors outside of the Cadre that have been very supportive on my journey to becoming an instructor. One that stands out to me would be Kent Hower with Green Mountain Defense. He has helped me fine tune my skills as a shooter and has given me new perspectives as an instructor. I’d also like to give a shout out to Phil Groff at VIGR training; he is truly a wealth of knowledge.
What are your Non-Firearm related hobbies?
My non-firearm related hobbies involve blacksmithing. My dad was a black smith for a long time before he passed away. I am by no means a master smith. At best, I am a novice, but it is fun and interesting. My other hobby would be drawing, again I’m no artist but I enjoy it.
Do you have any Major Accomplishments or Certifications you would like to share?
NRA Basics of Pistol
NRA Range Safety Officer
NCDOJ Concealed Carry Instructor